Lifetime & Onetime Codes

What is the difference?

Jack Dough

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

FSC = Installation code needed to update the Maps on your vehicle.

Map data = The GPS data that displays the map on your vehicle display.

LifeTime FSC: Once you enter a Life Time code in your vehicle, you will never need to enter another code again! Which means you never have to buy another code again! All you need is just the Map Data that can be easily ordered on our website for a small fee! Usually, the company releases between 2 and four new map versions per year depending upon the map type therefore the life-time code is a much better choice and saves you money from the first year itself.

OneTime FSC: If you purchase the One Time FSC that means that it will allow you to update your navigation system one time. For example, if your current Map Year is 2010, OneTime FSC Code will allow you to update your Map to the latest version which maybe 2022-1. When there is another update released in 2022 you will have to make another purchase again to get your system to the 2022-2 version and so on.

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